A movement for entrepreneurs committed to scaling their business and mastering their mind.

This membership is for those who are as ambitious as they are conscious.

It contains all the teachings you need in order to become a better entrepreneur who gets RESULTS, as well as a more emotionally intelligent, resilient human who leads with integrity and continually raises their standards

You want to scale your business and make a shit tonne of money, but HOW you make that money matters. You’re here to work on your business and improve your financial results, but you want to become more self aware, not more disconnected from yourself as you do it. 

In Rich & Conscious, you’ll experience an intentional client pathway …

that will support you in mastering business through content, social media, sales and operations; And personal development through ego work, self awareness, emotional intelligence and resilience building.

This membership is a year long commitment designed to increase your financial results & self awareness. For those who want to grow, make bank and scale with integrity. You want to build your business from a place of POWER and consciousness, not from wounds and limitations.

In your Rich & Conscious you’ll be taken through business mastery and self mastery.

Through Business Mastery you’ll learn to:

💸 sharpen your entrepreneurial skillset through integrating your creativity, critical thinking and leadership.

💸 successfully launch and sell by understanding the mindset, energetics and strategy to increase your sales.

💸 turn your socials into a cash generating machine through mastering consistent content and copy that converts.

Through Self Mastery you’ll learn to:

💰build a bulletproof mindset through building high levels of emotional intelligence, resilience and internal leadership. 

💰 deepen your consciousness and evolve your human psyche through an understanding of your ego, patterns, triggers, projections and reactivity.

💰 master the art of confidence, charisma and magnetism to get attention and stand out in your industry.

What’s Included?


Access to every course & masterclass I run throughout the duration of your membership.

Think: a client journey intentionally crafted to increase your financial results and self awareness so you can scale with integrity.

We look at brand, content, launching, selling and business operations.

To increase your FINANCIAL RESULTS:

We look at self awareness, ego, blindspots, limitations, congruency and emotional intelligence building.

To make you more CONSCIOUS:

An exclusive digital vault that contains:

  • Bonus trainings & workshops

  • Exclusive resources & templates

  • Monthly moves with tangible tasks to complete each month, that are intentionally designed to make you RICH or CONSCIOUS.

  • 2023 Behind The Business series
    + Access for duration of membership 


These bonus resources fill in the gaps of my curriculum, giving you additional tools to support you getting out-of-this-world RESULTS! It includes video trainings on everything from podcasting, money mindset and legalities and managing a team, as well as templates and resources ranging from a utilising AI in your business, tech cheatsheet, content audit, team development, payment boundaries script and more!


Unique quarterly experiences such as Q+A’s, personalised support or coaching opportunities with Jessie.

Think: member-only mini minds and hot seat coaching calls.

The experiences allow you to have more personalised touch-points with me and opportunities for feedback to support you in scaling your business and building stronger leadership. This allows for deeper integration and embodiment of the teachings within my curriculum, getting you even better results!

Rich & Conscious will evolve you into someone who…

  • Is self aware and emotionally regulated so you can make grounded business decisions even under pressure.

  • Embodies strong business leadership and thinks strategically, giving you the tools to effectively plan launches, increase revenue and scale your business.

  • Doesn’t waiver, lose their voice or water down their message in fear of being judged or cancelled by people who are committed to misunderstanding you.

  • Creates consistent, cash converting content that connects with your audience, builds your authority and strengthens your brand message.

  • Has high levels of self awareness which means you don’t get lost in scaling your business from your ego and wounds or making impulsive decisions from scarcity.

  • Is confident, convicted and tenacious as f*ck, meeting every challenge, dip or problem head on instead of letting self doubt, people’s judgements or a slow month rock you. 

What to expect from Rich & Conscious?

    • Trainings and frameworks to support building your business and scaling with integrity.

    • Mastering all areas of business from content, to selling and business operations so there’s no gaps in your skillset.

    • Increased level of self awareness & an unshakeable emotional resilience.

    • The ability to hold projections & keep moving with ease.

    • Confidence to take risks, invest, go hard, do crazy shit.

    • Clear conviction in your business & direction, where you feel more YOU in the way you do business (no longer mimicking others processes/business models).

    • Normalised new standards, potential, connections and big money.

    • You have a business that not only gives you financial security & abundance, you also have deep connections, a healthy body, a good sex life & are living in a way that feels good to YOU.

Rich & Conscious is for those who don't get lazy or complacent with their potential. You want to dedicate an entire year of mastering your business AND your mind.

You don't need a community to inspire you to do big things, you're an action-taker, committed to doing big things.

You're committed to elevating your leadership, making bank, refining your entrepreneurial skillset, increasing your consciousness and scaling with integrity.

You have a strong drive and work ethic, as well as a desire to lead a playful, adventurous life (you want to make absolute BANK but not at the cost of sitting behind a laptop all day!)

You desire elevation in all areas of business, and scale proactively from intention and innovation, not reactively from problems or scarcity.












  • "Being part of Jessie’s world has had such an impact on me within my business, but more importantly as a human. I love the way her mind works, the way she articulates things and the cheeky spanks we’re guaranteed in basically every call I love being part of The Membership and knowing that I have access to alllll the things for a year."

    - Madi

  • "I went into The Membership thinking I only needed help with business, strategy, marketing, selling etc, but I got so much more out of it! Honestly it’s been life changing - my business has been great AND I'm doing things I never believed I’d be doing. My knowledge & confidence is on a whole other level. I’m not the same person I was before joining The Membership. For that, I honestly can’t thank you enough."

    - Karla

  • "I've loved being in The Membership over the last year! Jessie makes every course super fun but also informative, I always learn something new. I have had so many mindset shifts over the last year, I really am a whole new person with boundaries & a new way of thinking."

    - Bailey


  • Business owners, entrepreneurs, service providers, coaches.

    Anyone looking to elevate brand presence, improve their social media, increase revenue and expand their consciousness.

  • You get lifetime access to the curriculum (Every course + offer I run for the duration of your membership). Access to the vault will only be for the duration of your membership.

  • Rich & Conscious membership is a minimum 12 month commitment.

  • We don’t have any set periods of intake. You can sign up today for immediate access

  • Yes. There are 3, 6 and 12 monthly payment plan options available.